cat. Simac 2024 p.157

Item number : MA62225

On Sales
MSRP : 195.00 € incl. tax
136.50 € incl. tax
-30% de remise
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
5 / 8x24 unf
SKU : MA62225
SKU Designation French Law Thread MSRP Stock
SKU MA62225 Designation 5 / 8x24 unf French Law Vente libre Thread 5/8 x 24 MSRP
195.00 € incl. tax
136.50 € incl. tax

Allows the weapon to be stabilized when firing!

  • Compact model
  • Caliber .30
  • Thread 5 / 8x24 unf
  • BLACK finish
Context : muzzle brake, audere, limit the recoil of a weapon, mailingmars, AUDERE
The recommended retail prices are listed as a guide..
Pictures are not contractual. Photos of product may be different with the final products.
Texts, brands and characteristics are not contractual as they are liable to change depending on arrivals.
