upper part swivel mounting EAW type Holosight

MSRP : 360.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Beretta Silver Sand 2
SKU : MPS8810147
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Browning A Bolt2,A Bolt2 222
SKU : MPS8810002
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Browning Bar-Argo-LA-A Bolt3
SKU : MPS8810003
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Browning European, Semprio, Chronos
SKU : MPS8810143
Out of stock
MSRP : 360.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Browning X Bolt
SKU : MPS8810212
MSRP : 360.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Chapuis Express / Guerini
SKU : MPS8810150
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
CZ527 prism 16.5
SKU : MPS8810041
Out of stock
MSRP : 440.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
CZ550 Prism 19.5
SKU : MPS8810047
Out of stock
MSRP : 360.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Fair Express / Verney Carron
SKU : MPS8810182
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Heym SR30
SKU : MPS8810206
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Heym SR30 prism 11
SKU : MPS8810406
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Krico 600,700,900,Titan16
SKU : MPS8810006
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Mauser 98 eyecup
SKU : MPS8810110
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Mauser 98K, HeymSR20 / 10
SKU : MPS8810010
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Mini Mauser, Jaeger 10
SKU : MPS8810107
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Parker Hale Midland
SKU : MPS8810062
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Rem 700,Rover 870,RWS 89
SKU : MPS8810012
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Remington seven
SKU : MPS8810078
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Sako 85
SKU : MPS8810414
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Sauer 202
SKU : MPS8810659
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Steyr SBS96
SKU : MPS8810202
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Weatherby Howa 1500
SKU : MPS8810023
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Winchester 70
SKU : MPS8810024
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Winchester XPR
SKU : MPS8810235
Out of stock
MSRP : 265.00 € incl. tax
Within the limit of stocks
At the time of taking over your order
Zoli 1900
SKU : MPS8810005
Out of stock
SKU Designation French Law Height (cm) Mounting MSRP Stock
SKU MPS8810147 Designation Beretta Silver Sand 2 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
360.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810002 Designation Browning A Bolt2,A Bolt2 222 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
SKU MPS8810003 Designation Browning Bar-Argo-LA-A Bolt3 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
SKU MPS8810143 Designation Browning European, Semprio, Chronos French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810212 Designation Browning X Bolt French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
360.00 € incl. tax
SKU MPS8810150 Designation Chapuis Express / Guerini French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
360.00 € incl. tax
SKU MPS8810041 Designation CZ527 prism 16.5 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810047 Designation CZ550 Prism 19.5 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
440.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810182 Designation Fair Express / Verney Carron French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
360.00 € incl. tax
SKU MPS8810206 Designation Heym SR30 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810406 Designation Heym SR30 prism 11 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810006 Designation Krico 600,700,900,Titan16 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
SKU MPS8810110 Designation Mauser 98 eyecup French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810010 Designation Mauser 98K, HeymSR20 / 10 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
SKU MPS8810107 Designation Mini Mauser, Jaeger 10 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810062 Designation Parker Hale Midland French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810012 Designation Rem 700,Rover 870,RWS 89 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810078 Designation Remington seven French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810414 Designation Sako 85 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810659 Designation Sauer 202 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810202 Designation Steyr SBS96 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810023 Designation Weatherby Howa 1500 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810024 Designation Winchester 70 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810235 Designation Winchester XPR French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock
SKU MPS8810005 Designation Zoli 1900 French Law Vente libre Height (cm) 1.2 Mounting Special MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Out of stock

Swivel mount for quick, one-handed installation and removal of the holographic red dot sight.

Upper part for EAW mounting. Base not included.

To find the model adapted to each rifle, click here to access the assembly table.

Context : EAW
The recommended retail prices are listed as a guide..
Pictures are not contractual. Photos of product may be different with the final products.
Texts, brands and characteristics are not contractual as they are liable to change depending on arrivals.