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Fair, 45 années de tradition armurière pour la marque la plus vendue en France.
Fair Juxtapose Iside Smooth - Eject. - Steel
Fair Juxtapose Iside Smooth - Eject. - Steel
2540.00 € TTC
SKU DC92412 / DC92412M / DC92412R ...
SKU Designation French Law MSRP
DC92412 Cal.12/76 DD C
2540 € incl. tax
DC92412M Cal.12/76 MDS C
2540 € incl. tax
DC92412R Cal. 12/76DD C
2620 € incl. tax
DC92416 Cal.16/76 DD C
2620 € incl. tax
DC92416M Cal.16/76 MDS C
2620 € incl. tax
DC92420 Cal.20/76 DD C
2685 € incl. tax
DC92420M Cal.20/76 MD C
2685 € incl. tax
DC92428 Cal.28/70 DD C
2740 € incl. tax
DC92428M Cal.28/70 MD C
2740 € incl. tax
DC92441M Cal.410 MD C
2920 € incl. tax
Fair Juxtaposés Express Rayés - Eject. - Acier
Fair Juxtaposés Express Rayés - Eject. - Acier
3795.00 € TTC
SKU DC9313 / DC93136 / DC9318 ...
SKU Designation French Law MSRP
DC9313 Juxtapose Express Eject.® Cal 30 RBL Can 55 C
3795 € incl. tax
DC93136 Juxtapose Express Eject.® Cal 30.06 Can 55 C
3910 € incl. tax
DC9318 Juxtapose Express Eject.® Cal 8X57 JRS Can 55 C
3795 € incl. tax
DC9319 Juxtapose Express Eject.MD Cal 9,3X74 R Can 55 C
3795 € incl. tax
Fair Juxtapose Express Faux corps - Rayés - Eject.
Fair Juxtapose Express Faux corps - Rayés - Eject.
4340.00 € TTC
SKU DC9323 / DC93236 / DC9328 ...
SKU Designation French Law MSRP
DC9323 Cal 30RBL MD C
4340 € incl. tax
DC93236 Cal 30.06 MD C
4425 € incl. tax
DC9328 Cal 8x57 JRS MD C
4340 € incl. tax
DC9329 Cal 9.3x74R MD C
4340 € incl. tax
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In France products of categories A, B, C or D are subject to rules of purchase, port, transport and detention. For more details please consult the link below.
Classification of weapons according to the French Internal Security Code

The recommended retail prices are listed as a guide..
Within the limit of stocks
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